Our last name starts with a P. There are a few names that we have tossed around that start with a P. Hubby is afraid to use a name that starts with a P for fear of his/her initials being P.P and being teased with that nickname. What do you girls think?
Re: P last name
PAL/PGAL Welcome
What about Spiderman?? Peter Parker!
All of this. People will find a way/reason to tease kids, no matter what the name or initials. I would use whatever name you and Dh really love!
IVF 1 April 2011 - Cancelled
IVF 1.5 July 2011 - MC
IVF 2 October 2011 - BFP!
*Identical Twin Boys born June 2012*
Here we go again...IVF 3 is underway!
bfp 1 - m/c 1.31.11 @ 10 weeks
bfp 2 - baby born via c-section on 5.4.12 @ 37 weeks
bfp 3 - blighted ovum/d&c on 4.13.13 @ 8 weeks
bfp 4 - 3rd IUI, very late BFN with super low P, c/p
bfp 5 - natural bfp while on lupron, baby born via RCS on 4.27.15 @ 39 weeks
bfp 6 - surprise! baby born via RCS on 11.13.16 @ 38 weeks