New development over the weekend; she climbed over it twice. Right now I have one like this there:
Which now makes me realize how poorly designed it is for kids because on either side it's practically like a ladder. lol (we had 2 like this before I got pregnant for the dog).
Anyway, now i'm faced with the dilemma of deciding to either totally get rid of the gate, or get a different kind. I was thinking of something like this:
On one hand I think she is old enough to handle the possibility of having no gate, but I dont think we're ready. lol I can see night time being a nightmare for a while, her coming into our room at night, having run of the house, etc. Once she stops napping I was hoping to insititute (somehow) a sort of "quiet time" in her room by either letting her read or play (or destroy her room) so I could get some things done around the house.
Thoughts or experiences with this?
Re: DD climbed over the gate in her bedroom doorway. Help!
DD's bedroom is right next to ours, so we've always closed the door. The doors are like an "L", so we couldn't keep her door open - she'd never fall asleep!
She had a video monitor in her room til age 2.5 (and then I put it in the baby's room). After that she had no problem either crying or getting up and opening the door herself (I kept our old sound monitor in her room, so I never worried about hearing her).
I don't have any recommendations for gates, maybe an extra tall one with only vertical 'slats'?
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DD -- 5YO
DS -- 3YO
We had this exact same problem. The gate we used for DD's room was similar to the top one you posted and DD was able to monkey over it. We considered getting the second gate you listed, since we have two of them for the stairs. We decided against it because I didn't want to put holes in DD's door frame.
Instead, we just tell her she needs to stay in her room. She's very good about it. The only time she comes out on her own is at bedtime, she doesn't leave her room in the middle of the night or in the morning. Instead, she'll call for us if she wakes up and needs something. GL