DH and I are expecting twins and are team green. So we have two girl names picked out. But we can't decide which one we like better. We want to have a first choice boy name and girl name in case we have a boy and a girl baby. The names are Anna Sophia Rose and Fiona Elizabeth Kaye. We are not using any family names, they are just names we love. We both agree on these points - 1) we LOVE Sophia Rose and 2) we LOVE Fiona. But we can't put the names together, we don't like how they all sound together.
Re: Clicky Poll - Girl Name
This may be me overthinking, but let me share what my parents did with me and my identical twin sister. They took their two fave girl names and gave me one and my sister the other. Then they gave us new middle names. This really helped me and my twin feel like each of us got our parents' top picks and prevented one feeling like she got the leftover or #2 name. So while I see why you want to officially declare one girl name your "favorite" to make it easier to choose if you only have one girl, I can also see that backfiring if you have two girls. My suggestion:
Don't officially decide which one you "like more." Go in with a list and adapt as the situation unfolds. Approach naming each child based on what you feel "fits" the individual child. For example, my parents felt I looked like one name and my sister the other name. (A switch from their initial expectations).
If you only have one girl, pick based on whether you feel she is a Fiona or a Sophia. Or maybe she'll be a Rose or another of your middle names. You could be surprised.
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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Thank you for your insight about this. I never really thought of it as favorite name equals favorite daughter. I think that's kind of what you're getting at. It's just that when DH and I found out we were having another baby, before we knew we were having twins, Anna Sophia Rose was the name we picked if we had another girl. But then we found out we are having twins and then we decided not to find out the sexes of the babies so we came up with another name and we absolutely love both of them and can't decide which one use in the event we only get to use one.
Okay, that's what I figured when I reread your OP!
They are all lovely names. I can see why you'd have a hard time deciding! Like I said, it may help to meet your babies first to decide. Good luck - twins are very exciting!