I have a four-part question for you ladies if you don't mind...
1. Do you have a sprayer or do you just scrap into the toliet?
2. Do you CD all the time?
3. How many and what kind do you have?
4. How do you get them to stop smelling "musty"? Or what is your washing routine?
I'll answer my own questions...
1. We scrap, but I'm wondering if it would help to have a sprayer...especially when I have to clean the diapers from daycare at night.
2. Almost always...the only times we haven't is if I'm a little behind on laundry or like this past weekend I was so busy (we had OOT guests) so I didn't bother....usually when we travel we CD and daycare is okay with it too.
3. We have 8 pocket change, 2 knicker nappies, 1 fuzzi bunz, at least 12 BG 3.0, and 2 KC ones (these leak terribly for us so I never use them). Our daycare provider seems to have trouble with the snap ones though and the boys end up leaking a lot when they are there, so I try to save BG for daycare and overnight.
4. I need the answer to this question and I haven't found what "works" for us yet.
Re: Question(s) for MOMs who CD...
1. I have a sprayer, but I'm finding that a liner is easier for us.
2. No, we usually use disposable at night and for long trips out.
3.I'm only buying Knicker Nappies now. I have 6 mediums and just bought 10 larges yesterday. We use about 10 BGs. We also have a few Happy Heinys which I really like (think they fit better than BG and are softer), The problem with velcro is that it traps all the pet fur.
4. Wash on hot with Charlies and vinegar. Dry on medium.
1. We have a sprayer but haven't used it yet since they are getting BM. We just throw the poopy diapers in the pail.
2. Yes, we CD all the time.
3. We have BG 3.0's and have been pretty happy with them. They have 18 each but I find myself washing everyday.
4. Mine haven't smelt musty. I do a cold prerinse with baking soda. Then I do a hot wash and two cold rinses followed by another hot rinse. I use "Crunchy Clean" detergent. A mom from the Eco Friendly board makes it and it's sold on etsy.com. I also use vinegar in one of those Downey balls as a freshener/fabric softener.
1. we just drop it into the toliet.
2. yes we cd all the time. we did use sposies on our last trip oot but i did no the washing situation and will now travel with cd.
3. we only use the bg's now.
5. we always use a cup of white vinegar in our first wash load and that helps a ton!
1. we use a sprayer...i think it makes it much easier.
2. we cd pretty much all of the time...a few disposables if we are out and they need a change or i haven't done laundry.
3. we have 26 bg 3.0...i can go about a day and a half before i have to do laundry.
4. mine dont really smell once they are washed...i do a prerinse and then wash with whatever free and clear detergent is on sale.