Since about 18 weeks we've been set on Olivia Grace but now that we've told people the name and I've been getting asked how "Olive" was doing every day I'm starting to get sick of the name. Is this just hormones or is it normal to want to change the name last minute? Well, it's not last minute I guess because Im only 33 weeks.
Re: how common is it to change your mind last minute?
People can be so insensitive. Sorry you've had to deal with mis-pronouncing/unwanted nn's.
I think it's pretty common for couples to feel differently about the name once they hold the baby. Maybe come up with a short list and wait until she is here to make a final decision.
If you love the name then stick with it - it's just the hormones kicking in for you. DD is Sophie and I have to correct a lot of people who call her Sophia. Even my FIL continues to try and call her Sophia and both DH and I correct him every time.
Why don't you just correct people?
Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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dd1 - we changed her name at about 37 weeks (I forget exactly. It felt like last minute but it wasn't THAT close to when she was born, so I'm guessing 37-ish wks)
dd2 - name never changed
I had Lila picked out for DD and people started using it before I even was able to make the connection between my baby and the name. I got sick of it and changed it. My feelings were that I shouldn't be sick of my own child's name. If you're feeling this way it might be a good idea to at least look around.