Uggg, what started out as a wonderful week, found our dream preschool (after about 6 months of looking and being so, so disappointed) we got hit with some awful virus.
Cooper was sick Tuesday afternoon through Thursday Morning. He was lucky that he only threw up once in the middle of Tuesday night but his fever was kicking his ass. He took a 4 hour nap both days and basically laid around like a big lump and watched lots of cartoons or simply stared at Andrew and I playing.
Just when Cooper kicked it, then it took over Andrew. Boy are the kids sooo different. Cooper had bouts here and there where he needed lots of attention but for the most part he was just happy to have some peace and quiet. Andrew on the other hand was moaning and crying even in his sleep and would bawl if I wasn't wrapped around him. He's thrown up 4 times already so I'm hoping he's really gettting it out of his system. He seems a little perkier today so I'm guessing he'll be down with it tonight/tomorrow.
Of course I'm already starting to get it though. Thankgoodness for my Zofran RX, it got me through the day yesterday but this morning I feel horrible. Thank god it's Friday.
I'll take any getting healthy dust you've got!
Re: Sickness is trying to take us all down
Sending healthy dust your way! And isn't Zofran the BEST thing ever? I have frequent boughts of dizziness and naseau and I cry when I run out.
I hope the boys and you are on the mend.
And I'm so happy that you found a great school and can't wait to hear about it when you are well.