Northern California Babies

Reminder: IKEA gtg today!

1pm, East Palo Alto. See you there!
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Re: Reminder: IKEA gtg today!

  • Looking forward to it! We're going to head up a little early and grab lunch :-)
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  • EmmieBEmmieB member
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  • I'm super jealous!!  Have fun!
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  • We're going to try our very best to make it, we'd be there around 2 or 2:30 after Kyva's nap if we can. It all depends on how much of this pesky take-home final I can get done while she's down.
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  • imagelmvierra:
    Looking forward to it! We're going to head up a little early and grab lunch :-)

    Ditto! I have a black short sleeved shirt on with my hair pinned up in a bun and dark jeans (plus a baby bump. :)

    I'll have 2 two-year-old girls with me today and a big double stroller. Feel free to stop me if you see us there eating. 

    - Rene
  • imageNCSW:

    Looking forward to it! We're going to head up a little early and grab lunch :-)

    Ditto! I have a black short sleeved shirt on with my hair pinned up in a bun and dark jeans (plus a baby bump. :)

    I'll have 2 two-year-old girls with me today and a big double stroller. Feel free to stop me if you see us there eating. 

    I'll keep an eye out for you!  I'm wearing jeans, a light purple tank, black sweater, and a baby bump too :-) I'll also have a double stroller w/ a couple of little boys in tow...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
  • We'll be on time, EJ is down for his nap right now since he woke early today.
    Happy Takes Work A family blog.
    Money Matters The other half's blog.
    EJ is growing up too fast!
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • We will be on time. Frankie is down for his nap now and I'm not watching my friends DD so should be easier to get out of the house :)
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  • imageNCSW:

    Looking forward to it! We're going to head up a little early and grab lunch :-)

    Ditto! I have a black short sleeved shirt on with my hair pinned up in a bun and dark jeans (plus a baby bump. :)

    I'll have 2 two-year-old girls with me today and a big double stroller. Feel free to stop me if you see us there eating. 

    What time will you guys be there? We could meet for lunch around 11:45, but my boys nap at 1:30 so need to get them home by then.

    imageLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagetri_bride05:

    Looking forward to it! We're going to head up a little early and grab lunch :-)

    Ditto! I have a black short sleeved shirt on with my hair pinned up in a bun and dark jeans (plus a baby bump. :)

    I'll have 2 two-year-old girls with me today and a big double stroller. Feel free to stop me if you see us there eating. 

    What time will you guys be there? We could meet for lunch around 11:45, but my boys nap at 1:30 so need to get them home by then.

     I'm thinking we'll probably get there around 12-12:15 (one of the boys is sleeping and we can't leave till he wakes) Will that work for you?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
  • EmmieBEmmieB member
    We'll likely get there a little early for food, too. See you there!
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