Cloth Diapering

Anyone want Rumparooz or Best Bottoms?

I'm in major destash mode now because I found my favorites (after trying a ton) and now I want to make sure all my [VERY] lightly used stuff gets good homes. 

Here's what I have (among other things!) on Spots:

Whale Tale print Rumparooz + 6r hemp soaker: in Bermuda Blue:

And I am in the process of posting & pricing my entire nearly-new stash of Best Bottoms shells (6) & liners (mediums & larges with some overnights, about 24 total). Seriously, the Best Bottoms I have could be an entire diaper solution for someone getting started past the newborn phase! We just happen to like our prefolds better.

PM me with questions about any of the dipes. I'm open to offers, too. As pretty as they are in my stash, I just want to get the diapers in the hands of someone who will use them!

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Re: Anyone want Rumparooz or Best Bottoms?

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