Got anything? Either/or, come on lets spill it. I know the internet is forever, but since the world is ending tomorrow, I think we're good LOL
Here's mine:
When I was in 6th grade I was a Safety Guard. Basically, we were in charge of the safety of the younger students both before and after school. We would keep them safe in the parking lots and also help wrangle them into their lines to go into their classrooms in the mornings. So, I was 'in charge' of the 2nd graders and there was this one little boy that was so bad, and I couldn't stand him. One day, toward the end of the school year, he was being particularly bratty. After the kids all got in line and were heading inside the building I stuck my foot out and tripped the kid. He ended up falling forward and hit his chin on his lunchbox (they were metal back then) and started bleeding. I took him to the nurses office and totally just played it off like he tripped. I still to this day feel guilty about that.
Re: IHO the End of the World - confessions/regrets
The world can't end tomorrow because I am leaving for Disney next Friday....
However, if it does, I regret not standing up for myself when I was younger. I hate confrontation and avoid it. I wish I had the balls to do it.