At least they got rinsed I guess.
I have sposies in the house for now and we *may* be able to manually move from cycle to cycle...we're trying that right now.
I *thnk* my mom will be OK w/ us bringing loads of dirty diapers over to her house but, ugh.
Re: well, the washer broke w/ diapers inside it
definately not just out of balance.
You turn it on and set it to, say 14 minutes and it fills and agitates and you go down 45 minutes later and, oh look, it says it has 14 minutes.
So you crank the knob to the next part of the cycle and it seems to do that...
But this isn't a good way to do diapers.
It's 6?ish years old. I suppose I cna't complain to much...especially seeing as the dryer next to it is, erm, older than I am.
I don't know but tt's the worst!