Got an email from one of my really good girlfriends. Here's the jist of it:
"We have to claim bankruptcy and will be losing our house and car within the year. I am also on a medical leave because I had a nervous break-down. I just can't handle all this anymore and want to give up, but have to keep going for B (their daughter). I have never been so stressed out in my life and I feel like a loser."
She never emails me. We talk 3-4 times/month and she's always very open about everything going on. I knew money was tight b/c her H lost his job for about 3 months a year ago, but has been working since then. The fact that I was clueless about all of this has me really worried about her.
I've never had a friend lose their house...cannot imagine.
Re: Oh sh*t.
Liam is 5!