Cloth Diapering

Any fish themed diaper prints?

DH and I love our aquariums and he'd be tickled pink to have a fish diaper or two... anyone know of some cute boyish fish prints?

Re: Any fish themed diaper prints?

  • google "fish in bags fabric" it is the cutest fabric in the world and very gender neutral. I just had a diaper made in it by mamamade on etsy and it rocks. I want her to make me 10 more!!!

    You can also find some used occasionally by random diaper brands on spots.  I don't know of many others than this. I suppose you could google other fish fabric while you are at it...

    Beginning Adoption Process July 2010 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Fish in Bags is super cute. Fish out of Bags is also cute. I know that Lullaby Diapers has FOB for customs. Orange Diaper Co has some fish prints as well.
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