All went well with the inspection! The sellers are taking the washer and dryer, which is fine, since they weren't anything special. I'm thinking I like the space saving features of the full sized stacking washer/ dryer, but I've never had to shop for my own before. We wash a lot of diapers and dog beds. ( not together obviously).
What kind do you have? Love/ hate it? Do you actually use the fancy features?
Re: recommend a washer and dryer please
We recently purchased an LG front loader from Home Depot and are really happy with it.
And - YAY! for good inspections!
YAY for good inspection!!
I'm no help in the appliance dept - all ours were Free from CL...and running strong after 8+ years still!
Same here but from Best Buy. We have been happy with them and they have a huge capacity! Only issue is if you leave it closed too long, it starts to smell funky in there and you have to wipe it down really well. It could be cause I go as long as humanly possible between laundry loads too though...
We bought the red LG front loaders from Sears a few months ago when our dryer broke. So far we love them! We don't use many 'fancy' features .. but it does have several different settings for loads and dryer temps/times which is nice and we do use