Is anyone else completely obsessed with baby clothes?!? I seriously spend at least 15 minutes every day surfing the internet for cute clothes. And I head straight for the baby section in every store we go into. DD has more clothes than any 11 week old baby needs!
If I find something that is super cute for cold months I buy it in a bigger size so it will fit her next winter. WTH! Please tell me I am not the only crazy one out there.
Re: Obsessed
This is me exactly! And I even take it the extreme of buying some bigger clothing as well.(2T lol) I can't pass up a deal at Kohls- I mean pants for $2? I just packed them away until she needs them.
I'm totally guilty. I do this for DS as well as for my 5 year old SD. The only thing that makes me sad, is I'll buy an outfit for an occassion that he'll only wear one time, and then I feel guilty for spending the money for a one day outfit. But I still just cannot resist!
This is my whole problem! I figure the cheap price justifies buying her clothes she will not wear for a year or more. It drives my DH crazy!
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PM me your Etsy shop link. I love accessories!