I've forgotten about most of the hip pain and back pain (I remember having it but now that it's over I look back and think "that wasn't so bad", oh how quickly we forget). I just remembered the feeling of William being up under my ribs. So uncomfortable. I used to seriously abuse him when he was in there. When I would sit I remember putting my hands on his butt and trying to push him down. Don't know why I always tried because it NEVER helped, but I remember constantly trying to unwedge him. I never really had that with DS1. I remember when I was pg with JR reading all over the 3rd tri about that and I had no clue what they were talking about because I never had that, I got my fair share with the twins.
Are there any pains/discomforts that you remember vividly?
Re: Ugh, what I just remembered about carrying the twins - pains
It's true how quickly you forget!
One discomfort I remember vividly was because T's head was so low it would cause sharp random pains in my upper leg (it sounds weird I know) that I had to stop in my steps and just wait until it was over...
I don't remember having much back pain, I had horrible heartburn though.
I'm curious to see what my next pregnancy will hold.
Yes, the heartburn was terrible. I remember one night I ate literally 9 Tums, the next day I told my mom, she said never to do that again. I woke up every hour or less from the HB one night. It wasn't too bad overall, I probably had a week or 2 of bad HB.
I never had babies all up in my ribs 'n' stuff, but i do remember the lightning crotch. honestly, i don't remember any "baby" pain, as much as stuff like heartburn, aching knees, sciatica pain, carpal tunnal stuff, etc.
Here's one of my bitching posts from a couple of weeks before I had the boys:
yeah...back pain, no sleep, restless legs. good times!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
I had the same problem as you - a butt in my ribs. I did the same thing, I could not sit down or be sitting down without pushing on it. It was so uncomfortable, I just had to push on it to feel like I was fixing it somehow I guess. Also, I remember the back pain. There was a time when both boys were on my right side so the pain of having all of that weight on one side was horrendous.
I worked up until I got put on bed rest right around 32 weeks and I remember having to turn my desk chair around and having to strattle the chair and sit in the weirdest position to try to get a little more comfortable but nothing really helped. Also, the painful bladder kicks from my Baby A. Man, this post is bringing back some (painful) memories!!
Two horrible pains I remember:
1. I'm not sure what caused it but when I was on bedrest, I constantly felt like tissue or muscle or something was being ripped from my ribs. I don't even know if that's possible, but it hurt so bad that I would just crawl in a ball and cry.
2. When I was in the hospital on bedrest, DS was really low and apparently kicking my bladder A LOT. It got to the point where my bladder itself was hurting on the inside and started spasming, which was a combo of painful and made me feel like I had to pee very badly every 2-3 minutes. The dr's finally had to give me a special medicine to relax my bladder b/c getting up every 2-3 minutes (literally, I would lay in bed for about 2 minutes, get up to go, come back to bed, lay down for two minutes, get up again, etc) was defeating the point of bedrest. That medicine was sweet relief.
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
The horrible heartburn is what I remember the most, it was awful. I had it terrible when I was in labor, the minute they were both out I felt SO much better.
Also, the butt in the ribs. Max was right in my ribs and it hurt so bad, I was constantly trying to move him out of that spot, but of course it never worked.