Cloth Diapering

Speaking of Diaper Cream

I know some moms swear by using a barrier each time they change LO, ie. petroleum jelly, diaper cream or baby powder.  Is there anything that should or could be used as a preventative for CD, and how does baby powder affect them?

Re: Speaking of Diaper Cream

  • Yes, there are several diaper creams that are safe for CD.  We use CJ's BUTTer.

    I don't know anything about baby powder - we don't use it.

  • Ditto PP. We send CA baby to daycare and at home, IF it looks a little red we use either coconut oil or homestead company baby balm. Most of the time, we don't use anything.
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  • Baby powder in general is a no-no due to the baby inhaling the particulates.

    We only use CJs Butter whenever a little redness occurs, which honestly isn't all that often.  (To be completely honest, we went through a bout of horrible rash that was a combination of detergent intolerance and bad reaction to California Baby diaper cream.)

  • Coconut oil works great in place of Vaseline - and only one ingredient, so unlikely to cause a reaction. Plus it's easy to find, and reasonably priced.

    I don't use it at every change, but DH does.

  • So does this go for body lotions as well?  I like to lotion from head to toe after baths.  Does this affect the dipes?  Would you recommend the coconut oil instead of body lotion? 
  • mrs.ptbmrs.ptb member
    We use Grandma El's at every change. He only really gets a rash now when my MIL watches him (i've given up on trying to correct her diaper routine...) and it is usually cleared back up within 24-36 hours.
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  • imageluvnunity:
    So does this go for body lotions as well?  I like to lotion from head to toe after baths.  Does this affect the dipes?  Would you recommend the coconut oil instead of body lotion? 

    I'd recommend it on the "one ingredient" basis alone. It really does absorb well, and it makes baby smell like a coconut. Smile The ingredient list on lotion is as long as my arm.

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