DH, the babies, and I went shopping yesterday and there was a little girl who looked to be about 8 with her mom. Here is the conversation that went on between them.
girl "look mom twins"
mom "yes"
girl "look they're boy and girl"
mom "looks like it"
girl "that means they're not identical"
mom "yes, that's right"
girl "that means they're un-denticals"
Then they walked away. They never actually talked to us, we just overheard their whole conversation. I just about died laughing.
We got another great comment at the dollat store when we went to pay for all the birthday supplies. The guy at the check out asked who's birthday it was. I pointed to my babies and said it was their's. He looked at me with a confused look and said "are they twins?" I said "yes" he then looked very confused and said "but they don't look anything alike, maybe its because you dressed them different" I said "or it could be that they are boy and girl" then he said "oh, ok"
Re: Comments!
I love when kids comment about my twins, it's so cute to hear what they think about them. They come up with the funniest stuff.
Oh and what a spaz at the dollar store.
That is what most people think! In my current siggy pic they do look a lot alike, but when they don't have hoods they look very different, to me at least. They have different hair and eye colors.
This is what I was gonna say. Most adults can't figure out why my boy/girl twins can't be identical!