Baby Names

Girl names list

Alright, the naming process is coming a little further along. Here are the first and middle names we've narrowed it down to (for now, the list definitely fluctuates daily). Please tell me what you think and if you think any of the name pairings would be okay or if you have any other suggestions. (Sorry, I feel like I've posted the same names a lot, but I'm so indecisive--thankfully, I have a few more months to find a name.)

First names:





Winona (SO's pick--I'm not such a fan of this)

 Middle names: (SO is a sports fan, and I'm a Shakespeare nerd . . . quite the combo)





Re: Girl names list

  • ames71ames71 member
    Cosette Verona would be lovely.
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  • cmeinlacmeinla member

    First names:

    Colette / Cosette / Guinevere / Gwendolyn / Winona


    Jordan / Elway / Rosalind / Verona

    Guinevere Jordan, sounds the best to me, Gwendolyn Verona could work, but I keep picturing one of those overdressed Victorian Dolls when I say it.  Now if I can switch the lists around a bit, I don't mind

    Jordan Cosette

    Rosalind Cosette or Colette


    Rosalind Winona only makes me a little Ick!


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  • I like Guinevere & Gwendolyn from your list. The other 3 are NMS. I don't think the middle name choices flow well with Guinevere & Gwendolyn....


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  • I'm a shakespeare fan too so I vote for any of those names!


  • I really like Gwendolyn and Cosette. Verona and Rosalind would be my picks for the middle name.

    Gwendolyn Verona or Cosette Rosalind/Verona 

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  • ZaphinaZaphina member
    i agree with cosette verona! sounds so musical Smile
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  • Guinevere Jordan sounds the best IMO.

  • I LOVE Guinevere

    I like Colette

    Rosalind is ok

    do not care for the rest

  • Colette is my fav first name. Winona is okay, it could work for some females I guess.

    Verona is the only middle name I like.


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  • Colette Verona has a nice ring to it.

    There are many Gwen-type names among my friends; NMS & apparently getting popular, at least around here.

    Cosette = Les Mis & I know if I were a classmate I'd be ragging on her for it.  I'm mean like that though.

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  • imageAnasara:

    Colette Verona has a nice ring to it.

    I agree with this.  I like Guinevere also but it is kinda long and would depend on your last name I guess.

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  • jlhook0jlhook0 member
    I like Guinevere Rosalind. I find it to be very regal sounding.
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  • Colette Verona gets my vote.
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  • I agree!! Amazing choices to pick from, though - much more unique than what my husband and I have thought up!! Smile
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  • imagemoxie9:

    First names:

    Colette -- I don't like it; too middle-aged and too many bad associations for me

    Cosette -- it's okay; makes me think of cassette and a story I read once

    Guinevere -- it's alright

    Gwendolyn -- I like it, but like Gwyneth a bit more

    Winona -- I'm not a fan, either

    Middle names:

    Jordan -- hate it for a girls' name; maybe I could get on board with it as a mn, honoring an athlete

    Elway -- not nice sounding at all

    Rosalind -- I love it

    Verona -- I like it

    Combos: Gwendolyn Verona, Guinevere Rosalind, Guinevere Jordan, Colette Verona, Winona Jordan.

  • I like Guinevere and Gwendolyn- maybe pair with Jordan as MN
  • I really like Colette and agree that Verona would be a nice MN.
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  • Colette or Cosette Verona are my favorites. 
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  • I LOVE your name list! Especially these combos:

    Colette Verona 

    Cosette Rosalind

    Cosette Verona 

    Guinevere Rosalind

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