
A graduates from pre-K tonight

I'm happy and sad my baby is growing up. I just hope kindergarten is a good experience as this was.

You know I'll post a pic!


Re: A graduates from pre-K tonight

  • Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!
  • OMG have a great time! She'll do awesome in K and as B's Kindergarten secretary told me (its YOU who has the difficulty MOM) LOL
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  • My DS graduated last night. I too had mix feelings. I was so happy but at the same time, so sad that MY baby will be going to K in a few months.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BFP 7/6/09. M/c at 10w5d (8/14/09). Had D&C 8/19/09.
  • Ryan graduated last night. I'm so excited for him, but sad he's growing up sooo fast! I was in the car going to pick him up from school and a song I've sung to him since he was a baby came on and I just lost it. I can't believe how big he's gotten! (((HUGS))) to you!
    -Sarah, Ryan 10.26.05 & Caleb 5.2.07 image
  • X, the scretary is right -- definitely harder on the mamas. Superslug, that made *me* tear up.

  • Yay!  WTG Amarah!  Kindergarten was a fun year!   I think you will enjoy it! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • YAY!!!!!
    Michelle Mommy to Kayleigh, Audrey and Faith. image
  • Congrats!  DD's last day is next Friday.  Can't believe it!
  • How fun!  I get a bit teary sometimes when I think about DD starting preschool!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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