Baby Showers

Hostess Gift

what are you ladies getting your hostess for a gift?  I am completely out of ideas...
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Re: Hostess Gift

  • I just saw someone had this same post a few days/weeks ago.  Sorry.  But if anyone has some really girly ideas (sister is a girly girl) i would love to hear those as well...
    You need love and laughter to get a happily ever after! Pregnancy Ticker Visit The Nest! FuzziBunz at Nurtured Family pregnancy tickers
  • I am doing a few different things.  For some I went to Bath and Body works and picked up a bunch of different things (candles, soap, lotion and body wash) and made my own gift bags for each, I spent about $30 each for these.  For some others I plan on getting a $30 gift card and a small box of chocolates from a specialty store in my area.  I plan on getting my mother in law a small plant or some flowers.  And lastly for my good friend who is going to be our LO's godmother I got her a tiffany necklace. 

    It all depends on how much you want to spend.  I tried to figure about $100 or so per shower and split that between the number of people who are hosting my shower.  I am having 3 showers all together, so there is a lot of people to get gifts for.

     Hope this helps!

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    Baby Boy born sleeping at 20 weeks.
  • Hostess #1 - personalized photo frame w/ a poem about BFF's (totally her style, she will love it)

    Hostess #2 (couples shower) - a pr of earrings for her and a gift card for dinner to one of their favorite restaurants

  • I gave giftcards to a spa and giftcards to Anthropologie.  The guys got Khiel's gift sets (for the co-ed shower hosts).
  • I just got mine today- a bunch of items from bath and body works to create my own gift basket.  I got a great deal and I'm super excited :)
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