My girls are over 13 months. I have one that is walking and the other can't even pull to stand. It doesn't bother me that one can't walk yet, since I know she has until 18 months (according to the pedi). I am worried that she really can't pull to stand yet. If I sit on the ground and put my hands out, she will grab my hands and pull herself up (without me putting in any effort). But otherwise she can't do it on any object. Sometimes if I try to have her stand holding onto something, she'll just let herself fall. I don't know if she's just not interested, overly cautious or if she really does have weak muscles. She didn't start to army crawl until 10 months and regular crawl just before she turned 1. My pedi is the kind that is so relaxed about these types of things that if I called, I'm not sure he'd be worried.
So I guess my questions are - if you had a LO who was late to pull to stand, did you have to do EI or PT? Or did you wait and let them work up to it on their own? Also, is there anything else I can do to work with her? She loves when I hold her hands and she'll walk around the house assisted. But when it comes to me trying to get her to just stand holding on to something or pulling up, she has no interest.
Re: Anyone have a LO late to pull up to stand?
2 chem preg, 4 failed IUIs, 2 canc IVFs, 2 BFN IVFs, IVF #5 = BFP!!!
3/23 Beta #1 @ 17dpo = 913, Beta #2 @ 19dpo = 1724, Beta #3 @ 21 dpo = 3240
First u/s 3/29 @ 5 weeks 2 days - 3 sacs 6 weeks 3 days - 3 heartbeats 8 Weeks - Lost Baby C, Babies A and B going strong
I am exactly in your situation. My boys are also 13 months and have not really crawled and neither has pulled up to stand yet. I also have a pretty relaxed pediatrician (which is something I like about her in some situations) and so at their 12 month appointment, I kind of pushed the subject and so she gave me information about physical therapy. Honestly, I would call your pediatrician on this. I wish we would have started the physical therapy earlier because they are doing really great with it and have made so much progress since we started. I am lucky in that my county has an early intervention program through the school system that is completely free and they come to my house and do the therapy there. Maybe your county/school system has something similar.
I was a little freaked about the physical therapy when we first started but honestly, now that they are in therapy, I worry about them so much less. I was so worried about what could be wrong with them since they were so behind and what I have learned through the assessments and evaluations that have been done is that they are perfectly fine. They have gross motor delays simply because they j have low muscle tone in their arms because they don't use them as much so they weren't strong enough to crawl and pull up. We also admittedly got kind of complacent once they learned to sit up so we didn't push them to be on their tummy as much and work that whole muscle group. Now, we have exercises and things to do to help them whereas before, I felt so helpless because I didn't know how to teach them how to crawl or pull up. I really really would suggest p/t, I really feel like only good things can come from it.
My DD Kate has been delayed on her physical milestones. (that require strength of any kind).
My Pedi is mellow yellow. She'd fit right in at Woodstock back in the 60s.
I asked for a PT order/recommendation. She wrote it, but I was on my own for finding the PT. Called the insurance company and they gave me some names of some on our plan. We now see a great Physical Therapist, and she has really helped us out a lot. She doesn't "push" me to schedule visits, but she gives us great exercises to do. I can see an improvement, and so glad we go see her. (Kate is 10 months and still struggling to sit on her own).