
Helmet and Reflux?

Anyone have a reflux baby who needs a helmet?  I'm so worried that my little one will be sitting in a soaking wet helmet for the next couple of months.  We get the helmets next Tuesday. 
IVF w/ ICSI #2 - fraternal twins born December 2010 at 36 weeks.

Re: Helmet and Reflux?

  • My Lo had a helmet and spit up a lot!!! He did develop an irritated spot on one side where the spit would drain to. There was not a whole lot I could do about it. I cleaned it all the time and tried to keep it as dry as possible. GL!
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  • DS had both and there wasn't an issue.  We did have to clean the helmet in the mornings and every once in awhile during the day.  We bathed him every night so I think that helped.
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