March 2011 Moms

What time does LO go to bed?

We've been experimenting with different bedtimes for the babies, trying to figure out what works best.  So far, it seems they sleep best with the least waking up if they go down between 8 and 9.  They sleep until between 2 and 4, quick wake to feed, then sleep through until the morning.  However, the end of the day is rough with lots of fussing, so I'm wondering if they are overtired and want an earlier bedtime already. 

What time do you put your LO to sleep at night?

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Re: What time does LO go to bed?

  • For the longest time LO wouldn't go down before 11:30/midnight. Now she's going to bed a little earlier, now between 10/11pm
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  • Bedtime bottle is at 8, and he's out cold by 8:30. Wakes up between 1-2am for a bottle, then sleeps til 5-6am. We try to put him back down after the morning bottle until about 7 or so, but he usually doesn't sleep.

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  • imagemrsjanks:

    Bedtime bottle is at 8, and he's out cold by 8:30. Wakes up between 1-2am for a bottle, then sleeps til 5-6am. We try to put him back down after the morning bottle until about 7 or so, but he usually doesn't sleep.

    Our schedule is exactly the same, even down to trying to get little one down again after the 5am bottle.
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  • He goes down usually somewhere around 8:30ish though how long he sleeps is rather random and unpredictable.
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  • imagemrsjanks:

    Bedtime bottle is at 8, and he's out cold by 8:30. Wakes up between 1-2am for a bottle, then sleeps til 5-6am. We try to put him back down after the morning bottle until about 7 or so, but he usually doesn't sleep.

    pretty much this. bedtime bottle is around 7:30 and it will take a while for her to seriously pass out. Then she is up around 2-2:30 and again at 5:30-6. I wish she would go back in the crib after that but she wil only sleep on me or go in the swing
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  • eturpeturp member
    We usually get DS down between 8:30-9 and he sleeps until about 3 or 4 and then again until about 7 or 8
  • We start bedtime between 6 and 630.  We used to start about an hr later, but that resulted in 2hrs of screaming due to LO being over tired.  He's usually asleep by 715p, and will sleep until 1-2a, up for an hr, and then sleep through till about 7. 
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  • We've been getting him to bed around 10:30 but are working on getting an earlier bed time. He's asleep right now, but I don't expect him to make it through that long since his last feeding was around 6:45.
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  • imageeturp:
    We usually get DS down between 8:30-9 and he sleeps until about 3 or 4 and then again until about 7 or 8


  • our routine is pretty similar to PPs: bedtime around 8pm, up about 1-2am for feed, then back down till 6ish, feeds, and sleeps again till 8ish.
  • imageTwinkz:
    He goes down usually somewhere around 8:30ish though how long he sleeps is rather random and unpredictable.


    Sometimes he sleeps until morning, sometimes he is up 2-3 times. Everytime I think we are getting into a schedule, it changes :)

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  • DS usually goes to bed between 9:45-10:45. He will usually get fussy before his bedtime bottle so he takes a 30 min. nap. Once he's down for the night, he usually sleeps till 5 or 6, but it changes daily. Sometimes I get an early wake up call at 3 or 4 : ( He'll go back to sleep till  7:00-7:30.
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  • imageGinafawny:

    We usually get DS down between 8:30-9 and he sleeps until about 3 or 4 and then again until about 7 or 8


    This is us too. However, the alarm clock goes off at 6 for DH so it typically wakes DS up as well.

  • skioskio member
    We're a night owl family and DD seems to be following suit! She decided by 2w that her long sleep stretch would be between midnight and 6am. So we were starting her nighttime routine at 1030 and she'd be down by 1130. She's sleeping later now, until 7 or 8, and we've also started moving her routine start time earlier little by little. We are now starting at 945 and she's down by 1030 or 11.
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  • whenever he passes out! we're not on a schedule yet b/c he's been really sick. Right now it's at 10pm
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  • We aren't on a set schedule so we just follow DS's cues. He generally goes to bed between 10-11pm and will sleep until 7-9am. He has set his own schedule when it comes to bed time and we are ok with the current time frame.
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  • We just follow LO's cues. She goes to bed around 11-midnight, wakes up around 8-9 to eat, then goes back to bed till about noon. This schedule is awesome for me since I work nights (luckily only 2 nights/week now) and on the nights I work I get to come home, shower, feed her, and get a few hours of sleep. IDK how long this will last, but I'm enjoying it while I can! She is not a fan of long naps during the day.
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  • imagehispenguin:
    For the longest time LO wouldn't go down before 11:30/midnight. Now she's going to bed a little earlier, now between 10/11pm

    Us to

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  • It depends on when she has "supper" and wakes up from her after supper nap, but usually we start the bedtime routine around 7 or 730 (feed, bath and/or story, bed) and she's in her crib (still awake usually) by 8. She lies there awake for a while before falling asleep. I'd say she's asleep by 830, and sleeps until 5 or 6, wakes for a feed and goes back down for a couple of hours.


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  • our DD eats a full bottle at 8, and by 8:3- or 9 she is asleep. We wake her up at midnight and feed her, she only has 2-3 ounces and is very sleepy - but that way she lasts until 5:30 or 6 am! I went back to work in April so I need my sleep.

    One night we left the baby with MIL and told her to wake her up at midnight and then she would sleep till 6 am, but of course she didn't do that. Baby woke her up at 3 am ... haha

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