I know that life isn't fair but to watch the Casey Anthony story and then to read baby Isaac's mom's blog just makes me unbelievably angry....
How can one mom harm her child while another has 16 minutes with hers and ?would do anything to be able to have more time... ?How does that work exactly? ?I just don't get how people like Casey Anthony can get pregnant, have healthy, happy children and then hurt them when thousands of people who would be outstanding parents and ache to have a baby simply cannot...
Apparently everything happens for a reason... I am just having a REALLYhard time with this one.?
Re: just not fair
there are a LOT of "not fairs" when it comes to children.
We had a patient, his mom and mom's boyfriend held him in a shower stall with scalding hot water, burned him... really bad. He was 5 or 6, and had got in trouble at school- this was his punishment.
I have a dear friend of the family- super great person, as loving as possible, private school teacher/principal. She can't get pregnant... tried for MANY years.
I think sometimes really awful sh*t happens for no good reason at all. I hate the "everything happens for a reason" line. It doesn't. Those two stories you talked about are perfect examples of how horrible sh*t happens for no good reason at all. Sometimes sh*t just happens.