Per my post below, Lydia seems to (mostly) be a hit. Now let's talk middle name. I'd like to use something from DH's side, as our first DD has names from my side. The options are: Esther, Ann, Jean, Lynette, Hazel, Elinor, and Rae. Some pretty names, but I'm not sure what works with Lydia. If none of the above, what are your suggestions??
Re: mn for Lydia
1. Rae
2. Ann
3. Hazel
4. Jean
If i had to pick one id pick Jean
if i could pick another
lydia nicole
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
PAL/PGAL Welcome
out of those i like...
Lydia Ann
Lydia Jean
other options..
Lydia Rose
Lydia Marie
Lydia Sophia
Missed m/c found @ 10 weeks - May 2010
Missed m/c found @ 10.5 weeks - August 2012