After a crazy winter of way more snow than usual, it's been raining most of the days since.
I can't come up with another indoor activity and these kids are screaming at me and each other all. day. long. And DS only has one more day of school tomorrow, so that's my last break for quite a while.
Re: OMG. Stop. Raining.
tell me about it! so damn depressing
I've had it, too.
At least our little adventure last night left the kids as tired as we are so they're not up to fighting or doing much. Nap time is going to be GLORIOUS today.
That's where I am about to throw them.
It's a little too cold to go play in the rain-- it's something like 40 out there. I don't mind cold when it's snowing, but being wet through + cold is not a great combination.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I hear you. I put my 19 month old down for a nap at 10:30 because he wouldn't stop whining. I know he was tired, but honestly, I think part of it is that he's just bored. My girls are currently eating lunch in the family room, drinking chocolate milk and watching Toy Story 3 for the 10th time. All of my rules are going out the window until this weather breaks!
With all of this eating in the family room 'as a treat', my carpets are vile and need attention from my new steam cleaner. But I can't do that until it is less humid and they can dry.
I may sign DS for vacation bible school or some camp so that he gets out of my hair occasionally.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008