So C sharted all over his bath sponge last night. Is this something we can/should wash in the washing machine, or should we just buy a new one? I feel like I should know the answer to this, but my sleep deprivation is stunting my logic.
To add insult to injury, after we washed out the tub and removed the sponge, filled up the tub again, he proceeded to pee in his new clean bathwater.
Re: Washing the Bath Sponge?
it's OK if he pees in the bath, I think every baby/toddler/kid does it, you are only supposed to remove them after pooping.
We use washclothes, not sponges and with a washcloth, I'd probably wash it b/c that's what I do with the clothes. But if it's really bad, I'd throw it out. Not sure about a sponge though!
We use wash cloths to bathe him, the bath sponge is the thing we put under his body at the bottom of the tub to support him. It's contoured like this.
Oh, and we didn't change the water after he peed. That was just the "of course he would pee after we changed the poopy bathwater" moment.
I know that it might be a waste of water, but I would wash it in the dishwasher on a light, sterile cycle with non-very dirty dishes.
BTW: Did you know you can wash (cheap) flip-flops in the dishwasher? I read that in Real Simple last season and thought it was brilliant!
we don't use a bath sponge, but i microwave our kitchen sponges frequently to sterilize them. about 2 minutes for one of those ocello sponges. maybe it would work for yours?
I'd get a new one...
The one we used was super cheap - around $5-6
It was this one:
Not super cushy, but worked fine.
Completely forgot it was pooped on! I kinda agree.