Not sure if it's round ligament pain, nerves going numb because my belly is growing, or something else... a few times in the past week I've woke up with a horrible pain on the underneath/side of my belly. I would think it's round ligament pain-it's VERY painful, comes on all of a sudden and wakes me up kind of like a charlie horse... and doesn't go away till I get out of bed and walk around for a couple of minutes (usually I have to use the bathroom anyway so by the time I'm done with that it's gone). Anything I've read about RLP is from overdoing it and it gets better with rest-and it seems my problem is the opposite. Anyone else experience something like this? I don't go back to the OB for another almost week and don't really want to have to schedule an appt unless I have to due to having to find a sitter.
Re: What the heck is this?