We're planning on using prefolds for the infant stage until our baby is big enough to fit in OS diapers. We planned on getting 3 dozen of the newborn prefolds - Little Lions bleached infant prefolds it looks like since they last to 15lbs and not only to 10lbs like GMD infant pf's, 6 covers - Thirsties Duo 1 (EBF poop loves covers apparently), and of course a couple snappi's... now the questions...
If you used Little Lions did these work well for you and last until your baby was big enough for OS diapers?
Is there a pro vs con to buying bleached or unbleached pf's?
Will I need a different night time solution then the prefolds?
How would you add extra absorbency to a prefold if need be?
Can you use a Thirsties Duo Size 1 when the baby still has their umbilical stump?
If no how many Bummis Super Brites would I need for the umbilical stump stage?
Sorry I'm sort of all over the place with this, dh just surprised me saying to go ahead and get our newborn stash starting tomorrow since we'll (hopefully) be finding out the gender tomorrow, and I want to make sure I got my butt covered (no pun intended lol) before I start buying anything. Huge thanks in advance ladies!!
Re: Help with our newborn stash!! Lots of questions...
Speaking with my one week of experience:
-it sounds like those prefolds are just a bit bigger; they'll work but be bulky / need folding
-no need for day vs night for a newborn. You'll need to change when you feed around the clock.
-we've been fine w/ just the prefold so far
-we've just gone over the stump w/o issues. I have 3 thirsties duos and 3 bummis super whisper wrap. I like the bsww better w/ prefols b/c the little pocket at the front means I don't have to snappi - it makes an angel wing fold in the cover
-don't forget the other misc: 2 pail liners, cloth wipes, etc
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Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Thanks for the feedback! Did you have any problems with the thirsties duos rubbing? Or just prefer bsww because you don't need to snappi?
Got Swag?
Very helpful!
Do you think it would be acceptable to get by with three newborn Bummis covers and then 4 or 5 Thirsties Duo Size 1 for later on and when the stump is gone? I'm not too familiar on pooping habits... lol
Got Swag?
I would get 4 xs if you can swing it. Newborn poo is very runny and if they're ebf it's a poo with every diaper change so you'll have to change covers very often in the beginning.
No problems for us with the Thirsties rubbing. I got the bsww as part of a lot I bought of GMD infant fitteds and topped those up with the thirsties. I like having a couple kinds to try - I tend to use the bsww with the prefolds and the duos with the fitteds. Other babies may have more irritable cords.
We do have 4 AIO that we use overnight. It is just easier. The ones we got are Mum's Bums, which are hemp and are more absorbent than cotton. I only ended up with that brand because they were for sale used and cheap locally, but I like them. Lots of people like bumgenius or fuzzibunz, though. I would say that having a few AIO or pockets is worth it, even if you only use them a few weeks. Buy used, sell used, and you won't really be out much cash.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
Along with the other great advice you have gotten, I just wanted to let you know that the Thirsties Duo Size 1 wraps did not fit our 6 lbs 14 oz newborn. They are still too big for her now at 5 weeks, although I think they will fit soon. We had planned to just use these from birth, so we have 5 covers.
We are using 2 Bummis Super Brites NB and 1 Thirsites XS with our NB PFs and snappis. I would recommend more NB covers (4-5), but we use the Duos if we have to between laundry loads.
If you have a brick and mortar CD store near you, I would only buy and prep half your stash now and then wait until after your LO is born to buy the rest. We went into Cotton Babies at two weeks (when I got fitted for my nursing bras), and tried on every cover to find the best fit for my LO. If you can't wait to buy, still only prep half so you have the option to return some if they just don't work for you.