Baby Names

Sibling they HAVE to flow?

How important do you think it is for all siblings names to flow with each other?  I would like for my childrens names to all "go", but it seems to be quite a task!

DS and DD both have Hebrew names.  It wasn't on purpose, it just kinda turned out that way.

This time around we are planning on being team green.  We easily agreed on a boy name that goes great along with DS and DD.  I do have a girl name that is Hebrew that I really like, but DH isn't for it.  The only other few girl names that we can agree on don't seem to "go" to me.  I think they're nice, though...

Also, there's only really that one girl (hebrew) name that I like...what if we have another girl down the road, then SHE would be the odd one out.  But if we go ahead and break the cycle now, maybe it wouldn't be so bad down the road?  Does that make sense?

So, opinions?  TIA!!!

ETA: Sorry, I feel weird about adding DS and DD names on here, I know that doesn't help!  I'll try to give you the names we're considering, if that will help at all.

If it's a boy, we like Caleb.

For a girl, I like Bethany.  (DD's name is a place mentioned in the Bible, but not really a biblical woman's name.  And it is not common.  I feel Bethany goes with DD's name, but could also go with other types of names as well)  This is the name DH does not like.

DH and I both like: Belle, Annabelle, and Katelyn.  But Belle and Annabelle seem too "frilly" to me to go with DDs name and Katelyn just doesn't seem to go, either, for some reason.  Otherwise, I really like the names.


Re: Sibling they HAVE to flow?

  • Can you share the names? It is difficult for me to make a decision based on that information- a lot of people don't know the origin of names and many names that don't share origins still "go together" to me.
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  • I don't think they need to flow at all. I think you just need to pick a name you like or has meaning to you.
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  • imageManderlin923:
    Can you share the names? It is difficult for me to make a decision based on that information- a lot of people don't know the origin of names and many names that don't share origins still "go together" to me.

    This. It's hard to say without knowing the names.

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  • I don't think its that important.


    The only time its a problem imo is when they are waaay off track from each other. 

    Example: I know a Destinee Starr, Heaven Leigh & Elizabeth Grace sib set. Elizabeth Grace looks a bit sophisticated next to her sisters. kwim?

    I also know another family who originally thought they'd stick with 2 kids so they rhymed their boy/girl names. Now they have 5 kids and they have a strange mix of Skyler (g), Tyler (b), Rileigh (g), Benjamin & Jonathan.

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  • Rach21Rach21 member
    My older brother, younger brother, and I all have biblical names (Andrew, Rachel--that's me, Joshua). Mom let Dad name my sister and he named her after two Ashley Abbot (the leggy blonde on Y&R) and Brooke Shields. She was the odd name out, but the names "flow." Just because they aren't Hebrew doesn't mean the names won't go well together.
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  • Yes, but I'm kind of OCD about name flow. You don't even want to know the process behind how we arrived at DS2's name. Personally, I'd stick with a Hebrew name because the consistency makes my brain happy and I love Bethany over Belle, Annabelle, and Katelyn. 


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  • kiki4kiki4 member

    I don't think they need to flow at all. I think you just need to pick a name you like or has meaning to you.


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  • LMS05LMS05 member
    I think siblings names should go together. I really love Bethany. Great name and it's underused. Caleb is one of my favorite boy names.  I'd stick with those :)
  • I've always liked both Caleb and Bethany. Lovely names. I like Belle of your other names but not a fan of Annabelle or Katelyn.
  • I don't think they need to flow per se, but it's nice if they go together reasonably well, because you will probably be saying them together often enough.

    I don't think there's a particular rule that says what goes together, though. There are names with different orgins that still complement eachother.

    Some questions to ask:

    Does one name seem a lot more formal (or casual) than the rest?

    Does one stand out as being from a particular time period?

    Does one name break a pretty obvious theme?

    Does one name seem much older or younger than the rest?

  • I don't think it matters at all.  I think it's important for them not to be overly similar, including names that sound too much a like (Aaron and Erin, as an extreme example), names that draw too much on a theme, to the point where it's cutesy (Violet, Lily, and Rose), or that fit together in an otherwise cheesy way (like the example posted a few days ago of Luke and Leia). Otherwise, I think it's much more important to come up with a name that you're happy with than to obsess about fitting it in with your other kids' names.  For those of you with siblings: does your name flow with your siblings'? Has this issue ever crossed your mind? I never even considered whether my name goes along with my sisters'. 
  • I don't think it matters one little bit. You are and your kids don't all live together forever, after all- in 20 years time, and for the rest of your childs life beyond that, is anyone going to give a fiddle that their name doesn't 'flow' with their siblings name/s?
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