A very busy week here with only two cute lunches.
I was going for a Daisy-Head Maisy theme (note the flower pick on top of her head) because it's DD's new favorite book, but I think she looks more like Medusa. Sandwich, cheese accents for the hair, sprinkles for the face, and edamame, tomatoes, dried apricots and a cookie.
Leftovers dressed up with panda bear picks. In the shoe container is cottage cheese, which DD hasn't had in a long time. I tried to make it fun by using an itty bitty spoon from her play kitchen. I'm not sure if that's what did it, but she had a second helping of cottage cheese! In the big container is leftover noodles/chicken, strawberries, blueberries (including a blueberry on a ring pick - so fun!) and cream cheese dip for these extremely tart strawberries.
Have a good week!
Re: *Cute lunch check-in*
Posts on cloth trainers/PLing
Thanks! We love a French braid crown! They're easy to do (but they don't work as well on clean hair) and they keep her hair out of her face all day. She had already been to the park when this picture was taken. I'm lucky that she'll sit still on the counter for a few minutes while I fiddle with her hair! Try it - it's not as hard has it looks!
And it was the best birthday present she received this year. She has spent HOURS playing with it!