Babies: 0 - 3 Months

I posted this earlier...

but didn't see it on here...i haven't been on in awhile...looks different.

Ok, I am having some trouble with nap time & know that some of my ?s may seem silly, but here goes:

1.  Do you start nap as soon as you see signs(rubbing eyes, yawn, etc) or base it on how long they have been awake?

2.  When I read that people put them down for a nap...I wonder what is your process...sing a song & lie them down or rock them or what exactly do you do? 

With my ds I have been taking him upstairs to his nursery about 45-1 hour after he eats or when I notice a yawn or his eyes look tired.  I talk to him & we walk around the room a little & then I put him in his crib & turn on his mobile/crib toy.  He hangs out & coos & then begins to cry when he is super tired.  The crying gets worse, so I pick him up & either walk him around or rock him.  Sometimes this puts him to sleep & others he just fusses until it's time to eat again & then we just start over.  This is very frustrating & I figure I must be doing something wrong because putting a 2 month old down for a nap can't be this difficult!!lol

By the way,  he nurses about every 2 hours unless I am lucky enough for him to sleep through his feeding time & he will go longer.  Also, he does well sleeping through the night...last night he went to bed at 9pm & woke up at 6:30am.  Any suggestions welcome...TIA:)

Re: I posted this earlier...

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    I wait until she gets fussy and she can't be soothed by playing or food.  I put her in her swing and put a paci in her mouth.  I crank the swing on high and might have to put the paci back in her mouth if she spits it out and fusses again.  She'll fall asleep within 5 mins this way.  This is the ONLY way I can get her to nap!  At night she's fine with sleeping in her crib, but during the day I have to use the swing+paci.  If I don't do this then she's a bear in the evening.
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    I had a ton of napping questions and I've been kind of making it up as I go but doing pretty good (I think). It seems there's not enough info out there on napping.

     My DD sleeps just a bit longer than your DC at night. So I don't expect marathon naps. But I try to get in 3-4 one hour naps per day.

    Last week, I started putting her down before she's awake (she'd only been sleeping in my arms, before). As soon as I have an inkling (both by time of day and her signs) she's getting sleep,  I sit her in my lap, read her a story, cuddle her a couple minutes, and put her in the crib.

    She generally fusses on and off for about 10 minutes (seems longer!). I never let her cry, per se, but she has this sleepy sound, mawr mawr mawr, that I will let her make for a while.

    I don't force her to nap in the crib, though, as I'd prefer not to have an overtired baby. If she doesn't fall asleep within 15 minutes, I just go get her and give her a good cuddly nap. It makes the next time easier.

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