We are currently living with my parents and will be here through next May. There aren't enough rooms for each LO to have their own, so pretty soon DS and DD will need to share a room.
I'm more worried about DS than DD. DS is sleep trained and can put himself to sleep, but it takes him a while. He plays in his crib and chats to himself for anywhere from 10-30 minutes before he falls asleep after we put him down. He also wakes up a few times a night and talks or rolls around for no apparent reason. DD hasn't been going to sleep until 10-11:30, but when she does she STTN until we either wake her up on weekdays or she wakes herself up on weekends. So we'd probably be bringing her into DS' room for bed after he's long been asleep. I guess I'm worried about him waking up and seeing her and not going back to sleep and subsequently waking her up.
Anyway, does anyone have any tips, suggestions or feedback? I wish we didn't have to do this! I'm afraid DS is going to ruin DD's good sleeping and then we'll have two horrible sleepers on our hands!
Re: Anyone's LOs share a room?
My girls will share a room but right now DD#2 is still sleeping in our bedroom in a pack-n-play. DD#1 sleeps thru the night really well - but lately has been playing in her crib for a little while before actually falling asleep. DD#2 sleeps really well too - but I just can't imagine having them share a room, just yet.
I'm a teacher, so I only have 2 more weeks and then summer vacation begins. I'm thinking I will try and have them start sharing a room in about a month. DD#2 only wakes up once a night for a bottle...so I'm hoping that continues. We will see...I'm thinking it could be a very difficult transition though...!
Sorry apparently there's something wrong with my signature...DD#1 is 21 mths old & DD#2 is currently 4 mths old...that might make a little more sense now
As I think you know, mine share a room. We moved DD2 into the nursery when she was about 5 months old (and DD1 was 17.5 months). DD1 had been STTN since 9 months, so I was worried about her, but the process of adjustment took literally three nights. When we moved DD2, she was still routinely waking 1-2 times a night to nurse.
The first night, DD1 woke up crying when DD2 woke up crying, and DH came in while I was nursing DD2 to rock DD1 back to sleep. The second night, DD1 woke up when I came in to nurse DD2, stood up in her crib, but then sat down and went back to sleep. The third night, she lifted her head to look at us, but then went back down. And now she doesn't wake up at all (DD2 STTNs about half the time now, but other nights wakes up between 2 and 4 to eat).
I was prepared to give it 10 days, and told myself that if it wasn't any easier at the end of those days, we would give up and try again later. But thankfully that was not the case!
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My 2 shared a room from the time DD was born until a week ago (DS sleeps in our room, and we moved the baby into her own room last week). We had no problems with nighttime wakeups. They never woke each other up.
I would get a white noise machine, give it a few days, and if they both are sleeping poorly separate them until the baby is a bit older.
We waited until DD was 6 months, and STTN to move her in with DS. We also kept a pack and play set up in our room "just in case."
They actually did quite well together - DD would go down first and she falls asleep quickly. Then DS would get ready for bed and by the time he would go in, she was fast asleep. DS plays around and talks going to sleep but rarely woke her up. DD would occasionally wake up and cry overnight for her paci, and she would rarely wake up DS.
There were nights where their timing of crying was not good....and they would wake each other up. Those nights were not good, and usually involved 2 children in bed with us, at least for a little while. Then DD would move to the pnp in our room and DS would go back to bed.
We just bought a house where they will have their own rooms (not living there yet), but we are not sure how that will go...we are worried that they will miss each other and not be able to sleep in a room alone. It is all what you get used to!