I managed to pick up another infection while I was in the hospital for my kidney infection several weeks ago. I just finally got diagnosed and am on antibiotics... again. (sigh) Anyway, my OB and my GP both say there are no definitive studies that show this particular antibiotic is OK for baby, so they just say to be safe, I should pump and dump for the 10 days I'm on the drugs and give her formula. This sucks. I love BF and I'm concerned that she'll get so used to the bottle that she won't go back to the breast. I'm pumping and dumping now, but I'm wondering if it's worth the risk to BF her a few times a day. Before this, she was getting one bottle of EBM a day but pumping and feeding and doing dishes... it's exhausting.
I've looked at all the studies of this antibiotic's effects on newborns and basically they say the antibiotic showed up in the babies' blood stream but none of them got sick or had any adverse side effects. But, since they were small studies there's not enough evidence for the "experts" to say that it's OK. I had to stop BFing her for about 4 days when she was just 2 weeks old becuase I was on another antibiotic and she had no problem going back to the breast afterwards. But 10 days seems like a long time. Ugh, why does my immune system suck?? I swear, I never got sick before I had DD and now I pick up everything.
Re: On antibiotics (AGAIN!!) = can't decide if I should BF.
I have no advice, but I am so sorry! You've had a really rough patch.
Have you talked to an LC? Also, did you check Dr. Hale's book Medications and Mother's Milk, or Lactweb? If your doctors are just using the insert, or PDR, they might not have full information.
I'm paranoid and would not BF. To me, it's just one of those things, they say it's safe today and then 10 yrs later there is another study showing that babies whose Moms took this or that may have this or that disease. Like I said, I'm paranoid, I did not take any meds while pregnant at all, not even the "safe" ones and continue to do the same while BFing. I only took percoset for a day after my c-sections.
This sucks. 10 days is a long time and you would be a total champ for pumping and dumping the whole time. Fingers crossed she'll go back to nursing with no issues.
Do you have an LC? Mine was able to look up medications for me. Otherwise, I would definitely ask if you can get on another antibiotic. I can't imagine that this is the only one you can take.
TTC #2: BFP 12/17/11, m/c 1/7/12 and D&C 1/12/12
baby blog/cooking blog
If you don't have an LC, get one and ask about the meds. Dr. Hale has a forum and maybe somone has asked about this particular med. Only professionals can post, but anyone can read. There is also some place in NY that professionals can call and ask about meds. Someone on the kellymom boards may be able to help. Those women are genius' when it comes to BFing.
Is there another med you can take? Also, do you have a stash for 10 days or will you use formula? If you are using a stash for most of the milk, you should be totally fine. Once my DDs started daycare and get half their daily feedings via BM bottle they have zero problems switching back and forth. If you are using formula you may have a problem going back just because it's a completely different substance. If I were in your shoes, I would totally pump and dump. Doing it for 10 days is a total pain, but chances are your LO will go back with minimal problems. I'd rather give it a shot than give up with out knowing what will happen.
I sorry that you have to go through this again!
Have you called your local LeLeche League chapter and asked them for info? I know that mine are like wizards of knowledge to help you make whatever decision ultimately feels right for you. They may have some additional info that will help you think out both sides. I am sorry you are faced with this. Blah!
More Green For Less Green
Thanks for your advice and support, ladies. I did ask if this was the only antibiotic I can take. There are a couple others that will work for this type of intestinal infection but none of them are "Breastfeeding approved," so to speak. This particular medication is the best one, I guess. I'll check with the lactation consultant at my pedi's office. My experience with this issue in the past, though, is that no one will say it's absolutely safe and therefore I'll always be second guessing if I'm harming DD in some way. So, I'll never feel completely OK about it.
ETA: I do have a small freezer stash of BM but it's almost gone already. I've been alternating BM and formula to stretch it out but it'll run out today.
Thank you for the recommendation! We're glad we were able to help you.
And yes, RomeRomance06, please call us--806-352-2519--we'd be happy to help you!