I have been using a squirt of dawn dish washing soap with all my diapers each load. Is this too much and I should just be doing it every once in a while??
Also I have been throwing the diapers (rumparooz, BG4.0, and gDiapers) with my clothes and not doing separate loads. Is this Ok? Thanks.
Re: Dawn with washing?
Dawn is usually just used for stripping diapers, and usually that's only done when there's a problem with them (persistent stink, repelling, etc). I don't think you'll necessarily hurt them by using Dawn each time, though it might not be great for your washer.
I think it's fine washing your diapers with other clothes as long as you're using a good CD routine. I don't generally put them in with my clothes because there's an extra rinse involved in washing CDs (at least, there is with my routine), so I'd rather do a load of mostly/all diapers to be more efficient. As long as you're using a CD-safe detergent and you aren't washing with fabric softener or including clothes that have had oils spilled on them, I'd think it would be fine.
1. I don't think dawn used all the time is good for the washer. If you NEED it due to stink, then it's time to find a new detergent.
2. That's fine, but make sure your loads are still small enough. I do CDs alone, because the clothes take up way too much space.
Dawn is bad for your washer, and using it will most likely void your warranty (if it is still under warranty). I use Dawn only for stripping, and do it in the sink/tub.
I wash my diapers separately, but mainly because I do a short warm wash to rinse, and then a hot wash and extra rinse. My regular clothes don't need all that rinsing, and I wash them on cold.
1. Dawn is used for stripping (getting out residue), not for routine use. When you use Dawn, you need to do enough rinses (a ton--think at least 5) to make sure the water is free of any suds. If your diapers aren't getting clean without using Dawn, I'd look into another detergent.
2. I wouldn't. Clothes + diapers probably means too large a load and I just think the idea of putting our nice clothes in with poop & pee is icky.
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She may be using snapped diapers. 95% of our stash is snaps.