Cloth Diapering

eeek...thinking I should stop buying NB dipes...

At our 20 week u/s we were told that our baby has femurs and humerus bones that are measuring ahead of schedule. So basically, he's gonna have long legs an and long arms. My DH is 6'3" so it makes sense (although I'm only 5'1"). But...looks like we're going to have a LONG baby!

Does this mean I should focus on OS dipes? length not as big of a factor as chunk? Haha

I'm betting our NB clothes won't fit him very long, if at all - which makes me a little sad!

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Re: eeek...thinking I should stop buying NB dipes...

  • Length isn't as big of factor as chunkiness :)  I had a bigger baby 8lbs 10oz 21.5 inches long and he was still in the nb clothes and diapers for a little bit not as long as some babies because he grew like a weed but also he was in the nb clothes longer than the nb diapers. If he has skinny legs especially the os wont fit well for awhile at least a good 12ish lbs.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • DS wasn't a small baby (7 lbs 12 oz) but he was a long 22 inches. He's incredibly long now at 12 months and 35-36 inches. He's at least the height of a 2 year old. When he was a newborn he needed preemie or newborn diapers because his waist was so skinny. He was in them for 4-6 weeks. He was in newborn sized clothes for 2-4 weeks. He outgrew them in his torso because that's where a lot of his length is. I think you'll still need newborn diapers.
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  • haha - my LO is pretty chunky and long (in the 90th percentile for both) - she has pretty much graduated out of most of the NB dipes this past week, a few brands will still fit for a while (definitely not any of the GM NBs), but I have already given away most of her 0-3 months clothes, and she is wearing 3-6 or 6-9 - I would definitely have some on hand, though, your LO could always come a little early!
  • A is in the 95th percentile for height, but only weighs 17.6lbs at 8 months.  She is still in size 2 sposies (when she wears them) and we have a bigger issue with the waist, as PP said, than the rise of most diapers.  She was in NB clothes until about 6 weeks, though she mostly wore separates, not one size.  I think you'll need NB diapers, perhaps for a longer period of time than you think.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • Awesome  - thanks guys! That makes me feel better...just didn't want all the NB dipes I've already bought to go to waste!
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    Visit my blog about my family's experiments in eco-living
  • Chunk matters more but length will be an issue for clothes!

    DD was 9 lbs 11 oz and 20.5 inches, and never fit any of her newborn clothes. It made me really sad too, because we had soooo many cute clothes.

    She fit most of my newborn stash, but I had a couple of fitteds I couldn't squeeze on her chunky butt -- the Drybees were way too small. We were solidly in one-size diapers by 2 months but could have been there at 6 weeks or earlier (we were too broke to buy much of a stash! She was busting out of her diapers by that point.)

    But then, she was over 14 pounds at 2 months. She's still 90th percentile in height and weight -- 29 1/2 inches and 22 pounds.


  • Its the chunkiness of the thighs that matters most.
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