My husband and I are getting ready to move to the area. I just found out that I was pregnant (yay!) and I am needing a good OBGYN. I would PREFER that the doc I see during my pregnancy also be the one that delivers it. I know in a lot of big practices the one you see throug out your pregnancy may not be the one who delivers the baby, usually whomever is on call that day/night does the delivery. If anyone has any suggestions they'd be greatly appreciated. Thanks ladies!
Re: New to area
Welcome, I'm new to the area too and 19 weeks pregnant. I go to the obgyn office on 330 laurel st in downtown des moines. But you will get the Dr. who is on call, however you will get to know all 7 of them before the time is over and I really like them all and they are all 5 five Dr.'s on I hope this helps! Also the downtown Mercy is the nicest and newest place to deliver, I recomend going for a private tour!
I go to a practice called Women's Health Services. There are 4 OB's there. You see each of them and then the one on call delivers the baby when you go into labor. I think it's pretty much that way everywhere, unless you can find an OB clinic with just one doctor. I highly recommend this particular office/practice, they are amazing doctors.
I second the suggestion to deliver at Mercy. It is very nice there and the nurse who did our private tour was really awesome.
I love Iowa Clinic OB-Gyn!
I am also a huge Methodist fan, we choose there because my kids dr at Blank!