So my first shower is tomorrow (the larger of the 2 showers, with maybe 50 guests) and the 2nd one is next Saturday (probably 30 guests). But there are very few things purchased from our two registries (BRU and Target). Like 4 things from Target and maybe 6 from BRU. I know its prolly just hormones combines with nerves about the shower itself, but I'm kinda freaked out. Did anyone else have a similar situation? Did you get things not on your registry? Did you get giftcards? Did the registries empty at the last min?
The shower isn't till 2pm, so maybe ppl are gonna shop last min tomorrow. Maybe they are giving gift cards or not buying from the registry? So confusing. Everyone was super eager to know where we were registering so I thought they'd buy from there. I know I sound selfish and gift grabby, but I wanted to tell someone, so here it is.
Re: registry use?
Some of them may be getting stuff on the way to the shower. I didn't look at my registry after I put it together so I dont know how fast people purchased things off of it. But don't worry about it too much because most things can be returned anyways and you can use that credit to get whatever you actually need.
I will say, most of the stuff I got was off my registry, but even with this being the case I sometimes ended up trading the things I thought I wanted for things I actually needed once the baby came.
Pretty much the only things from the registry at my shower were gifts from people who couldn't attend. Everyone else pretty much brought clothes, towels, blankets etc. Mostly everything was clothes. They were super cute and I love what people picked out but I don't know if my DD will be able to wear it all before she grows out of it. I think people just want to pick out 'cute' stuff for the baby not the boring stuff on registries like diapers and wipes and bottles. The only pack of diapers I got was from a new mom who bought it off my registry! We had a lot of small stuff on our registry but I just don't think it was the kind of thing people wanted to give.
This. And also, if people do not live near where you registered they are more likely not to buy from it. I know some people register places that are an hour drive for some. No way would I buy off that.
Plus a lot of people do not let the person at the store know it is off the registry.