
Tough day

So I found out today that my little peanut, the smallest of my girls (she was/is IUGR), might have to be put back on a respirator. :-( I cried when the Dr told us (which made her feel bad) but I couldn't help it. The Dr said its because of her size (she's now a chunky 1lb 6oz) and its not a set back. It sure feels like It!

On top of that, one of my other girls has a heart murmur, which Isnt uncommon for preemies, but hers isn't closing on its own. She just finished up a round of indocine (sp) and is getting another EKO Monday to see if It made any difference. If It didnt than they will do the second round of medicine, if that doesn't work than she will have to have surgery to fix it. :-(

So I guess the honeymoon is over. At least one of my girls is doing well, hopefully, the other two will catch up with her.

Re: Tough day

  • I'm sorry you had a tough day!  They always tell you not to get your hopes up in the NICU, but you can't help it.  And, when they take little steps backwards, they tell you not to let it bother you, but you can't help that, either.  I know exactly how you feel.  Our little guy went back and forth off the CPAP several times, and it was so hard.

    Regarding the heart murmur, lots and lots of preemies have that.  Our son had it, and he had to get a round of indocine to close it.  Even after he got the drugs, it still didn't close all the way, but he never received additional treatment.  It got to be small enough to not be a concern.

    We learned very early on that there is no "Good" or "Bad" with preemies - only "Typical" and "Atypical."   The stuff your babies are going through is very typical, and, while I absolutely know how hard it is, try not to let it worry you TOO much.

    I wouldn't say that your other two girls aren't doing well!  It sounds like all three are doing great.  My baby was born at 26w3d, and he had BOTH the PDA (heart valve) and went back and forth on breathing support.  Now, he's an 8lb baby sleeping here in our living room! 

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  • I know, B and C are doing well over all but I want them to do as well as A Is doing right now. Thanks, you did make me feel better. When your LO was put back on the respirator could you do hands on (change diaper, take temp)? That will KILL me If I can't do hands on with B. We couldn't touch her for over a week after she was born because of things going on with her.
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  • When the boys went back on vents (slightly different situation as it was for surgeries and infections) we were still able to participate in care, just no holding.  My baby B also had/ has an open PDA and was never able to do the indocin due to his ostomy, they mentioned the surgery to us but it never caused enough of a problem to warrant it (he came home with it open).  We moved back and forth with breathing support and it was hard every time we stepped "back" but they got stronger and stronger with each trial.  I know how it is to feel like one baby is doing better than another, we flipped back and forth between which baby was having a harder time but they are both home now and other then surgery scars you would never know they came early! 

    Good luck, you are doing fabulously during a very hard time. 

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  • I am soo sorry you are having a tough day. I am all to familiar with the ups and downs of vents/cpap/etc. Both of our babies had PDA's at birth and both needs meds to close them up, but things seem to be fine now.

    One thing I had a hard time learning not to was compare the twins to one another, and other babies in the NICU. I kept reminding myself they were seperate individuals and would do things at their own pace and in their own time.

    Hang in there...lot's of hugs.

    TTC #1 since 4/2007... MFI (low motility/low Testosterone) & PCOS IVF #1 August 2010...BFP 1st sono shows TWINS!!!! Due May 23rd 2011 Ruptured @ 21 weeks (Jan 13) Delivered 26 weekers (Blake and Addison) on Valentine's Day... Keeping faith and praying, God has a plan and we just have to learn to follow. Our Blog ... Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • bhilyerbhilyer member
    OP - hang in there! Life in the NICU is never easy, but it will become your normal. I like what Sushi said about "typical & atypical". That's a great way to look at things. And Jakes make a good point about " not comparing". It's hard not to but each baby is different.
    My smallest boy is IUGR as well. His lungs are his issue. In the past month, he's been on and off cpap three times. Although it's frustrating as hell, I know how much good it does him. He's able to rest, breath easier and grow lung tissue. He usually has great weight gain while on it because he's not working so hard to breathe.
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  • lemen99lemen99 member
    I'm sorry. (hugs)
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