My LO was 9 weeks premature. Her due date is still not for another week. I know that sometimes premature babies development takes a bit longer than full term babies. However, seeing as LO is 8 weeks old....should she be making eye contact or at the very least following an object? I'm probably worrying over nothing, but that's my job. Of course, I read something earlier about redflags for autism being babies that do not make eye contact. Like I said, I'm sure I am overreacting. Just wondering if any other preemie mommies LO's are still not doing these things.
Re: Development ?
Don't think of your LO as an 8 week old yet. Their supposed to be and essentially are 39 weeks gestation. Think of them as a new born in terms of development. Just because our LO's are born early, it doesn't mean the development that's supposed to happen in the womb gets skipped and they progresson the same schedule as if they were born on time. You can worry, I'm not sure if the worrying ever stops, but worry about something else, for now.
FWIW, my Evan was behing in gross motor skills for a LONG time, he's still no rock star, but he's caught up. Heck, he had a feeding tube until after his second birthday, and now you wouldn't be able to pick him out as any different from his peers. Delays today don't mean delays forever. Just keep helping your LO to achieve THIER own full potential, whatever that may be. Help them to do the next thing in line on that developmental check list, and try as best you can to not focus on the word "delay".