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I would pronounce it Mar-uh, as I expect would most NPR junkies due to "Mara Liasson, NPR News."
DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018
Mar like car and -uh.
I don't get where the Mair like Mary comes from.
mintea:I would pronounce it Mar-uh, as I expect would most NPR junkies due to "Mara Liasson, NPR News."
Re: how would you pronounce this
I would pronounce it Mar-uh, as I expect would most NPR junkies
due to "Mara Liasson, NPR News."
DD #1: 2012; MMC: 2014; DD #2: 2015; It's a boy! 3/31/2018
Mar like car and -uh.
I don't get where the Mair like Mary comes from.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!