Cloth Diapering

Help please.....

Today I did a load of laundry which including the mat that sits at my front door and the bathroom mat.  I wasn't very pleased when I went to put it in the dryer and found an insert for one of my BGs.  Looks like it got left behind in the washing machine last time I did a load of CDs.  My once soft and very white insert now looks super dingy and not very white :-(  I used Tide Free and Clear.  I usually use Allen's for my CDs.  Any suggestion?  Is it salvageable? 



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Re: Help please.....

  • Re-wash? Sun?
  • I would just wash it again. All of my microfiber looks a little dingy. I think it's the nature of the fabric. But I don't really care because no one sees the inserts but me.
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