
feeling down today

I'm feeling really down today.  I posted a few weeks ago regarding Ethan being so scrawny.  It made me feel better to hear that everyone thought he looked great.  I think he looks great and I had finally really gotten that thought through my head.  He is healthy - he looks healthy - he is not too skinny.

Well, he had his 12 month well baby visit today and the pediatrician has me all worked up again.  She said she is really worried because he is not on the charts for weight.  I mentioned that he is really active and that I felt that he looks normal for a breastfed baby.  To me, he just seems to be skinny and petite (25% for height).  My thought is that since he is short AND thin, it seems logical that his weight would fall off the chart.  She disagrees with me - she thinks he is way too skinny for his height.  She wants me to start pumping him full of calories - giving him a little whole milk with olive oil mixed in, mixing olive oil in with his yogurt, feed him more high calorie foods and limiting the amount of water he drinks during the day.  She wants him to come in every 2 weeks for weight checks and if he doesn't start putting on some serious weight, she wants him to see a growth specialist to talk about different medicines to help increase his appetite.

I feel really upset about this.  Just a few weeks ago when she saw him for an ear infection, she said he looked great.  It wasn't until she plotted him on the growth chart that she started talking all doom and gloom.  I made an appointment with another pediatrician on Thursday to get a second opinion.  I am trying not to be too upset until I take him to the other doc and get the second opinion, but I am just feeling really hard on myself today.  I feel like I have done something wrong and that he is going to be so sick again like he was last year.  I know, that's crazy talk, but I can't help it.

DS doesn't eat a ton, but what am I supposed to do about that?!  I can't force feed him. Some days he barely eats, and other days, he is a pig.  Isn't that normal behavior for a toddler?  I am just so frustrated and sad.  I know its not the worst thing in the world to have a skinny kid.  RSV and pneumonia and apnea were a whole lot worse.  But since his birthday last week, I have been mentally reliving the NICU experience, so I'm feeling a bit emotionally fragile. 

Re: feeling down today

  • I'm sorry she got you so upset.  I'm like your ped, though.  I'm terrified to have DS be so skinny during RSV season - I feel like he needs some meat on his bones to fight off colds.  I would just work with the ped to get some more calories in him - I'm sure you'll be thrilled when you see his weight move up quickly.
  • Gavin was not gaining weight for awhile there then all of a sudden he chunked up and caught up. Now he has a big belly and still is short. we were in the 25% for both height and weight at six months and nine months . Then in the last month he has packed on some major weight and grew 2 inches. So dont worry. If it makes you feel better some kids are just friends little girl is tiny and is 4! 
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  • i can understand why you feel down. i had a tough time around my son's first birthday.

    think of it just using your head, not your heart, take out the emotional part of your son being a preemie. the dr. offered you some suggestions on how to up his calories by just adding to the food he eats now, not so bad right? that doesn't mean you have to force feed him. maybe if you try this stuff he might put on some weight and then the issue will be resolved and you won't have to see a specialist. i think having a preemie causes out minds to spin out of control with worst case scenerios when it comes to our kids health. take a deep breath, he'll be fine!

    Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07
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