I think it really depends on you. I wouldn't, but all three of my kids were early and I was on bedrest with DS from 32-35 weeks and then was just waiting until 38 weeks. I definitely couldn't have planned a party for 36w because I had no idea if I'd be in labor or home or what.
I had a small b-day party for my DD when I was just shy of 37 weeks pg. We kept it really simple, my family helped out quite a bit and it was over at an early hour. I had a great time and was glad we could do some entertaining one last time before our world revolved around a newborn schedule for a while. I think I over did it, though, because contractions started a day later and my son was born a day after that, at 37 weeks exactly. If you decide to have a party, TAKE IT EASY!
I threw DS a birthday party at 36 weeks. It was at an indoor playplace, and I just ordered pizza and a cake. I was still stressed about it for various reasons, but I'm glad we celebrated.
If you could get someone to help clean for you (both before and after the party), I would do it. Trying to clean at 36 weeks was really painful for me, but I had a pretty uncomfortable pregnancy, and I also delivered at 37 weeks.
ETA: I would still rather do it at a place if I could.
Go for it - just make sure people understand that it may be changed if baby comes! We had our bday party for DS1 when I was 37 weeks pregnant with DS2 -- which was 3 weeks before his birthday just in case the baby came first. It was 98 degrees/humid, in MN. It was awful, but luckily the rest of my family undertsood and let me relax a bit!
I was a little earlier than that when R turned 3, but I was over 30 weeks. It was definitely the simplest party I've ever done, but she loved it none-the-less. I did store bought princess decorations, used tulle as streamers, and made a castle cake that she really wanted, and she was THRILLED! For the meal, we just ordered in pizza and I cut up some fresh watermelon and cantalope.
I think it would probably be Ok, but coming from someone who delivered #2 at 32 weeks, you never know for sure when they are going to show up. We have DD #1 birthday partys at least a month late every year because she is a Christmas baby. She doesn't care in the least when it is, as long as she gets a party. We just do a family thing on her actual birthday. Therefore, I would vote on having the party a few months late and have it also as an opportunity to meet the new little one, but let people know to make a bigger deal about the birthday kid.
Proud Mommy to Kaylie 12-04, Alaina 5-06 & Annalise 6-08
I just did it last weekend, I held it not at my house, which was a good choice, and bought everything. Plus it was just family and Really close friends. It went fine!
I hosted a huge couples bridal shower at my house for my SIL at 36 weeks pregnant with my 1st. My other SIL and my DH were co-hosts and helped out a lot. It honestly was not that bad. We had the whole thing catered so all I really had to do was make sure my house was clean and DH helped with that. Clean was a little hard since it was late and I was really tired and my DH and I were sort of stuck doing all that ourselves (don't get me started on that one).
Re: throw a birthday party at 36weeks pg?
If you could get someone to help clean for you (both before and after the party), I would do it. Trying to clean at 36 weeks was really painful for me, but I had a pretty uncomfortable pregnancy, and I also delivered at 37 weeks.
ETA: I would still rather do it at a place if I could.
{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}
What about a party a week or two before his b-day (then cake on his actual day)?
That way you get yourself a little extra room.