What do you think of John Paul as a first name? I've always loved this name, but I'm afraid it doesn't go well with our last name, which is Mary (you may all go ahead and stalk me now!). Is it too many biblical names all together? DH wants to switch it up to John Parker, which I don't mind, but don't like as much. MN will probably be Edward after my dad.
One reason I want 2 first names is that I think it will help cut down on first name/last name confusion. Especially with boy's names, where most can be last names as well. For example, my DH gets called Mary Andrews all the time.
Our back-up name is Grant, which I also love, but I fear will set my child up for a lifetime of being called Mary Grant. Stupid last name...
Re: John Paul?
Two first names and a middle name seems overkill to me. I don't know that I've ever met someone with two first names and a middle.
As for John Paul... I'd just think of Pope John Paul II, which would fade over time, I know, but I think his birth would be too close. People would think it's a tribute name. I also think, yes, it is too many Biblical names in a row. Grant Edward is really nice! I love it.
My cousin is John Paul. We call him John Paul or JP. I love the name. I also loved Pope John Paul II.
I would just stay away from Peter Paul b/c adding Mary to the mix might get a few Puff the Magic Dragon comments.
Does he have a middle name? I think a MN seems like overkill, but nothing seems like Paul would become the middle name, which I don't want. I love the initials JP, which is one reason I like the name so much.
As for the Peter Paul and Mary thing, I know--I'm just hoping that fewer people know about them as time goes on!
I love it- if DH and I ever have DS#3, I think this will be a contender. We're Catholic, and love Pope JPII. However, if I wasn't Catholic, I really wouldn't use the name combo. Especially since your last name is Mary, I think everyone would assume that you are devout Catholics. Not a bad thing at all, but it could be annoying if you're not.
I have met a couple John Paul's in the past few years, and all of them have middle names, and they all go by John Paul, or JP. In 10-20 years, I don't think anyone would think about Peter, Paul, and Mary. I think even most people in our generation wouldn't make that connection.
I see your LN dilemma! Honestly, the only double boy name combo I truly love is John Paul. I have two John Paul's in my family actually, and it really helps in distinguishing them from the other John's (and JP is a great nn).
That said, the JP's in my family were named after Pope John Paul II. I think this connection is inevitable. So if you don't want that connection, you may want to avoid the combo as it's a very common combo in Catholic circles and at least in my area, people would assume you were Catholic. In fact, a name like John Paul Mary sounds strikingly like a priest's name (it's not uncommon for a priest to take the name of Mary at ordination).
So yeah, if you don't mind sounding uber-Catholic, go for it - it's a great name imho. But avoid this combo if that's not what you want.
As much as I love John Paul, I don't think I can do it...we're not Catholic, and I think John Paul Mary sounds super Catholic (not that there's anything wrong with that, its just not who we are). Kind of like naming your kid Martin Luther if you're not Lutheran!
Now its between John Parker and Grant. Having 2 legal first names avoids the first/last name confusion, but gets wordy. I love Grant, but I know he'll be called Mary Grant all his life. Girls names seemed easier for some reason...
my nephew's name is JohnPaul William
it is nms and I didn't like it at first but it suits him and I cannot imagine him with a different name!
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