I mostly lurk on here for information, and I've posted a few questions here or there.
My husband and I have TTC for 3 1/2 years, however the last year we've been on a break from treatments for a few reasons. One of the things we've discussed is potentially adopting to add onto our family either in addition to having biological children or instead of. A child is a child to us and we are looking forward to being parents. But the length of time TTC has weighed on my emotions. I've also been going through a lot with my family right now and have considered going to counseling to work through it all. Will going to counseling for my IF and family affect our hopes to adopt someday?
Re: Question
No! You just need to be honest with your social worker during your homestudy and your dr. and your counselor will need to fill out some paperwork regarding your mental status/health.
I dealt with a lot of anxiety/depression while TTC and dealing with our IF and losses. I was medicated for both until Luke was a few months old. Get the help you need, it will be fine during your homestudy.
Agreeing w/PPs that it's not likely to impact. However, some international adoptions may be impacted if you ever end up on anti-depressants. (No judgement here... it's just good info to have.) That said, take care of your mental health NOW... you'll be happy you are feeling better

Also-- see if you can find a therapist that has a history of work in the area of IF (or even adoption). I have a good friend that's done a ton of work in this area... if you were in SoCal, I'd give you her name and number