Cloth Diapering

Rookie question

Hi everyone!

I just got my very first CDs and I've been lurking your board and trying to make sure I know what I'm doing.

Just wondering, though- I did read the detergent charts and recommendations in the FAQs, but I just bought 2 jugs of our regular detergent on sale last week (Purex Free and Clear) and would prefer not to buy more right now. Has anyone used it on their CDs? Is it okay? I have a few Fuzzibuns and some Kushies AIOs, all used, if that makes a difference.



I guess technically now I should be SecondBabyMomma Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Rookie question

  • I know this answer sucks, but my gut just says "I wouldn't!"  If you really want to stick with a detergent in the store, I would go with regular tide.  From what I hear, free and clear detergents tend to have other things added that are no good for your CDs.  Hopefully someone else can weigh in with personal experience.
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  • imagemoussy:
    I know this answer sucks, but my gut just says "I wouldn't!"  If you really want to stick with a detergent in the store, I would go with regular tide.  From what I hear, free and clear detergents tend to have other things added that are no good for your CDs.  Hopefully someone else can way in with personal experience.

    Hey, I'd rather have a good answer that sucks than a bad answer that wrecks my pretty new diapers!

    I guess technically now I should be SecondBabyMomma Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • I read the free & clears have an additive that "coats" the allergens thus reducing their impact.  This same enzyme coats cloth diapers making them repel.  I tried finding the original article, but alas, I can't find it.  If I do, I'll post it here.
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