We mostly CD but over the weekend DS spent a bit of time in disposables. Monday morning we were back in cloth. When I changed him Monday night I noticed he had what looked like 2 blisters on his butt right inside where the diaper touches his leg. I assumed it was from the diaper rubbing but it didn't make sense for the placement. I was wondering if it wasn't a chemical burn from the disposable diapers. I'm sure its different for everyone but what does a chemical burn even look like? Would it start off looking like a blister?
After reading some posts on this board now I'm wondering if is something else, like amonia. Would an amonia rash start off looking like a blister?
I'll start with trying to identify this rash and then move on to what to do.
Re: Another rash question...
Right, I didn't see any rash Monday morning. He was with my sister all day so he had a few different diapers on that day, but they were all ones he's worn before. He's actually been in disposables the past two days and the rash/blisters are getting better but I'm putting him back in cloth tomorrow morning when I'll be with him all weekend. I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens.