
Surprised at how expensive tickets are!

A small local community theatre group is doing a children's play this year that is geared towards the preschool/early elementary age crowd. I just looked at the price of the tickets and holy cow! $25 for adults and $12 for children. I'm sure that it's not cheap to put on a production and that they need to cover their expenses but geez- that seems a bit on the high side for a child's outing, no? Or am I just cheap, LOL?

Re: Surprised at how expensive tickets are!

  • I could see 15 for adults and 6 for kids over 2.

    25&12 is steep

  • I wouldn't pay that.
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  • I think that would be on the low to average end here.

  • Well, we completely lucked out and a friend gave us 2 tickets (1 child, 1 adult) that she couldn't use so we're going tomorrow after all. However it looks like we'll just be buying one additional child's ticket and I'll take the kids alone. Dh would rather spend $10 on a six pack of beer and pocket the difference than go see "Frog and Toad" with us, LOL.
  • That seems pretty expensive to me.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • That is pretty average to low for here. We go to the local cultural center all the time and tickets for kids are usually anywhere between 15-34.00 each! If you really want to see it, you'll pay it! I love taking her, as a matter of fact we are going today to see a dinosaur play and I love the cultural learning aspect of it for her.
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