I was just wondering if anyone experienced this...I was on 100mg of clomid
this month (50 last month and no spotting)and have been spotting since
6dpo and am currently 9dpo and still so lightly spotting...I know I have
a luteal phase defect that we are working on but i have never spotted
at 6dpo before. Anyone else experience this on clomid?
Re: clomid..spotting?
I remember you posted about spotting a few days ago. I've heard that the cervix is really sensitive with Clomid, which could cause spotting. But it shouldn't still be going on. You mentioned before that you o'd late. How long is your cycle? Is it too early to test?
Clomid does funny things to us. I'm currently on my second round and having hot flashes, bloating, and weight gain. But, I didn't have any spotting. If it were me, I would test and then check with my dr. Good luck!
---------Game Over---------
Moving on as a family of 3
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